Heat- and cold-related mortality Indicator

This calculator returns the relative mortality risk attributable to non-optimal outdoor heat and cold for a given time series. This is estimated using a distributed lag non-linear model (DLNM). Full details of the methodology will be provided in the Heat and cold framework documentation .

This calculator returns the following data:

  • Relative risk for the temperature-mortality association per region or aggregated across regions.
  • Number of deaths attributable to non-optimal outdoor heat and cold per region or aggregated across regions.
  • Deaths per 100,000 population attributable to non-optimal outdoor heat and cold per region or aggregated across regions.

Heat and cold indicator tool instructions

  • Select your input data (.csv) file
  • Select columns from your file to match the required columns in the dropdowns
  • Select a column in sub-geography if required or set to none
  • Add additional variables as needed

Data uploaded is not stored

Please provide data in the following format:

Date (yyyy-mm-dd) Region (Area) Mean Temperature (°C) Number of Deaths (per day) Population
2021-01-28 North West 20.5 190 45000
2021-01-29 North West 21.3 210 45000

Disaggregate by sub-geography

Meta-analysis (pool regional estimates)

Wildfire smoke PM2.5 related health impact

This tool calculates health impacts of wildfire-related PM2.5 on all cause mortality using a time-stratified case-crossover approach. Full details of the methodology is be provided in the Wildfires framework documentation .

This calculator returns the following data:

  • Relative risk of mortality associated with every 10 μg/m3 increase in wildfire related PM2.5 for the input data period
  • Number of deaths attributable to wildfire realted smoke PM2.5 per region or aggregated across regions.
  • Deaths per 100,000 population attributable to to wildfire realted smoke PM2.5 per region or aggregated across regions.

Wildfires indicator tool instructions

  • Select your input data (.csv) file
  • Select columns from your file to match the required columns in the dropdowns
  • Select a column in Region if required or set to none

Data uploaded is not stored

Data must contain date, region (optional), temperature, and a health outcome column in the following format:

Date (yyyy-mm-dd) Region (Area) Particulate Matter 2.5 (μg/m³) Health Outcome (per day)
2021-01-28 North West 35 190
2021-01-29 North West 40 210

Lag Options:


This is some sample text for the flooding indicator but will not be displayed as there is no hyperlink to this section.

Mental Health Indicator: Suicides attributed to extreme temperature

This tool calculates the relationship between temperature and suicides using a time-stratified case-crossover approach with a distributed lag non-linear model (DLNM). Full details of the methodology are provided in the Mental health framework documentation .

Please upload your daily time series CSV (date, region optional, temperature, and suicides). You can specify additional model parameters (lag days, degrees of freedom, etc.).

This calculator returns the following data:

  • Relative risk for the temperature-suicide association per region or aggregated across regions

Mental Health indicator tool instructions

  • Select your input data (.csv) file
  • Select columns from your file to match the required columns in the dropdowns
  • Select a column in Region if required or set to none

Data uploaded is not stored

Data must contain columns for date, temperature, suicides, etc.:

Date (yyyy-mm-dd) Region (Area) Mean Temperature (°C) Suicide related Deaths
2021-01-28 North West 20.5 190
2021-01-29 North West 21.3 210

Advanced Model Parameters:

In progress 🛠